Shangzhe Di   狄尚哲

Hi, I am a second-year PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) under the guidance of Prof. Weidi Xie. My research focuses on video understanding and multimodal learning.

Before joining SJTU, I completed my master's and bachelor's degrees at Beihang University (BUAA). Under the supervision of Prof. Si Liu, I explored video BGM generation and visual object tracking.

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  • PhD Student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Apr. 2023 - Present
  • M.Eng. in Computer Science, Beihang University, Sep. 2020 - Jan. 2023
  • Exchange Student, Technical University of Munich, Apr. 2019 - Aug. 2019
  • B.Eng. in Software Engineering, Beihang University, Sep. 2016 - Jun. 2020

  • Research
    Grounded Multi-Hop VideoQA in Long-Form Egocentric Videos
    Qirui Chen, Shangzhe Di, Weidi Xie
    preprint, 2024.
    paper / project page / code

    Pinpoint scattered visual evidence in long egocentric videos while responding to questions.

    Grounded Question-Answering in Long Egocentric Videos
    Shangzhe Di, Weidi Xie
    In CVPR, 2024.
    paper / project page / code / bibtex

    Simultaneous query grounding and answering in long, egocentric videos.

    Linker: Learning Long Short-term Associations for Robust Visual Tracking
    Zizheng Xun*, Shangzhe Di*, Yulu Gao, Zongheng Tang, Gang Wang, Si Liu, Bo Li
    In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023.

    Video Background Music Generation with Controllable Music Transformer
    Shangzhe Di*, Zeren Jiang*, Si Liu, Zhaokai Wang, Leyan Zhu, Zexin He, Hongming Liu, Shuicheng Yan
    In ACM MM, 2021. (Best Paper Award)
    paper / project page / code / colab notebook / bibtex

    The first satisfying method for video background music generation.

    Honors and Awards

  • Best Paper Award, ACM MM 2021
  • Best Video Award, IJCAI 2021 Video Competition
  • First Prize Scholarship x 2 (Top 10%), Beihang University, 2019 & 2021
  • Full Scholarship for Exchange Program, China Scholarship Council, 2019
  • Special Prize Scholarship (Top 3%), Beihang University, 2018

  • The website template is borrowed from here.

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